Rivers of Belief is a way of describing belief systems. My intention is not to paint belief systems as negative ,but to simply discuss how consciousness uses belief systems to experience itself in infinite variety.

Another analogy that would work well would  be to compare belief systems to operating systems that you are familiar with in our computer technology. For today though the river is a more eloquent and universal comparison.

A belief system can be likened to a river always in perpetual motion , if you step into it you will be carried along within its domain  and even swept away if you allow it.

If you stand up and start walking against the current or belief system you will find it very hard to do so and you will tire very quickly until you finally have to give in to the flow and allow your self to be carried away.

Belief systems are actually necessary to give consciousnesses a perspective in which to experience itself in a variety of ways , so again we are not saying  having a belief system is a negative thing.  I’m just saying it is helpful during the Apocalypse to understand that you are “Infinite Consciousness ” using belief systems for the purpose of experiential exploration, they are a tool.

This understanding will aide you in navigating the road ahead as it will give you a much better persepctive. You will be in the world but not of it , which will greatly improve you ability to tap into higher self  which has the ability to see a larger part of the picture than physical mind.

Higher self can see from the mountain top the river flowing through the valleys with its twists and turns and report back to physicality , to the Human being and let you know where its headed.

And if you know where its headed you may decide to step out of that belief system on to the bank and let it flow past you or perhaps find another river or belief that you are more in alignment with vibrationally. This will facilitate growth and understanding.

The message here is no matter what is “Happening” around you , it is simply a belief system , a river you are flowing down , based on root assumptions that have been agreed upon by the collective for a certain set of experiences to occur.

A belief systems is not “what you are” or “who you are” , it is simply a type of experience within an infinite variety of  experiences that you can be part of , if you don’t like where it is taking you , simply get out of the river and onto the bank.

What you will find on the bank of the river is beauty beyond words, and unlimited potential, or simply “Being”.

The term Universe is being used quite a lot these days.

I know I tend to use it a lot myself  becasue we don’t have many words to describe “all that is that”  that have no religious connotations.

Most of us that use this term in the awakening movement use it precisely becasue it is , well , Universal, it has a universal meaning with out the trappings or dogma attached to a given belief system.

For me its simply a way to fill in the blank for , all that is , god, infinite consciousness , higher self, being , its “what we are”.  While here on this planet  part of our “selves” remain focused in this vehicle we call the  “Human Being”  , but from a greater perspective we are simply being.

Much of what is occurring during this unveiling process is hard to articulate with the spoken  language, and words are simply words and their meaning will vary with each individuals definition of these words.

More and more we will rely on our “hearts meaning” of things, which will have less do about words and more emphasis on feelings, and you can “Feel” this happening more and more each day as we move deeper into the Apocalypse.

But it is important that we communicate with each other the best we can with what we have to work with , and so for now I will continue to use the word “Universe”.  The Apocalypse is showing us the simple nature of reality that we tend to make so complicated within the “Mass Drama”.

We are the Universe Observing Itself  !   We are universe Walking !   We are the personification of  Universe !

I know it’s too simple a concept we need to make it much  more complicated ,and so we do !


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