In the spirit of the Apocalypse lets start  a new trend on the internet called “Positivity Porn” as a balance to all the “Pessimism  Porn” that is out there.   All we have to do is keep our  hearts open to the possibility of positivity everywhere around us.

Lets do some hypotheticals here . Lets say that 2012 was the demarcation point , a half way point in the 5 year period from 2010 – 2015 , a period of radical change , where we move from a slightly more negative to a slightly more positive collective consciousness , allowing us to accelerate the process of creating a new consensus, new collectives that are more representative of this increased positivity that is being injected into the collective , by “US” the creators of it .

Lets say this shift represents the end of a cyclical evolution of consciousness , a cycle where certain agreements were made in the collective, to experience  war, suffering , hatred , greed , lack of abundance is now over for those that choose a different path , a new consensus.

So from now on as we move forward as Conscious Creators we are effectively free to choose a new collective so to speak. Since each of us are universes , we can now create our own universe based on what we believe is our highest joy, we are no longer obligated to suffer any longer, hey sounds good right ?

Bashar , Our good friend and channeled entity form the future  says by the middle of 2012 we will begin to enter an area of more positivity.

Bashar  has always suggested that 2012 is simply a turning point where we make a transition to more positivity, in baby steps of course, its not gonna happen all at once, and in fact 2012 is just the point where we finally reach a “Slightly ” more positive track.

So following the concept of baby steps , lets look at some of the potentially positive events that may be signaling the beginning of this positive paradigm shift, just for the fun of it.

.1  In recent interviews with Benjamin Fulford , he has talked about all kinds of peaceful non-viloent retributions against the power that were, such as the destruction of the underground bases, where the elite planned to live while they eradicated the useless eaters, yes that’s you and me.

.2 Then there is this big trillion dollar lawsuit against the visible ring leaders of the Cabal, true , false , who knows , and really who cares , the point here is at least this is positive conspiracy.

.3  There is also Harp II coming out this spring in the United States , {yes I know strange name to call it }, that may allow homeowners to refinance their homes , at low interest rates , regardless of their credit rating , even if they have no equity , even if they have filed bank bankruptcy , perhaps even if they have had a foreclosure , in other words no qualifying other than proof they have some income to actually make payments.

This alone would be huge towards bringing relief to the ailing US and global economy. Is it a long term solution , is it the new economic paradigm we are all hoping for one day , no , but it is a step , a baby step towards more positivity. That’s all we are looking for right now.

.4 The troops are supposedly coming home , perhaps they are just going over to Syria and Iran next , but hey lets be positive, right.

This is just a few of the more notable,   possible ,positive,  events that are popping up here and there , and I’m affirming there are many others we don’t even know about , and we may never hear about them and that’s fine, love needs no audience.

So lets say that the purpose of these positive news blips is a simply a choice , options, the menu, a buffet of probabilities being served up in this incredibly potent point in human evolutionary development.

Perhaps this is what 2012 is all about , not an end but an awakening to the realization that we we infinite beings , playing at being human, except now we can freely choose who we want to play with, and what we want to experience.

So if there are an infinite number of parallel realities going on simultaneously , so that infinite consciousness has plenty to choose from  , I ‘m choosing  “Positivity. Sing it Stevie !


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