

Third Written Transmission Download
January 27, 2014 4:00pm
Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

All voice is the voice of the One, because there is only the One. Therefore, all expressions of its voice are relevant and acceptable.

You must cease and desist from the categorization of one expression as being dark, therefore bad, and another as being light, therefore good.

Rather, it must be recognized that the Universe is a place of paradoxes and it is by the recognition, reconciliation and integration of these paradoxes, that the power of growth is made manifest.

Without darkness, there would be no recognition of light. Without light, there would be no recognition of darkness. It is the mysterious dance of the two, that generates the expansion of the One into greater understanding of itself and its next leap into its highest will and highest good.

Therefore now is the time, and it has long been that the concept of duality must be released, having been only a tool that has taken you to the state of evolution that you have thus far achieved.



January 22, 2014 7:00pm

Second Transmission Download

Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

There are many things coming, not bad, but very good. For those who insist on remaining in the lower vibrations of depression, despair, fear, guilt, shame, anger, hatred, vengeance, blame and frustration, these good things will feel disruptive and challenging:  inducing reactions of spiritual, mental and emotional illness. There will only be few that respond in this way.

For by that time, the majority will have been caught up in the wave, which is even now flowing across and through the planet, that is carrying an increasingly larger number of you into a higher vibration:  all this because, you have come to the end of limitation, the end of the strictly material perspective. You have exhausted this perspective and you have become exhausted by this perspective.

Therefore, we encourage you to pursue the calling in your heart to that which enlivens you and lifts you to your highest joy. This is the call of your true hearts purpose and passion.



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