

The message , whats is the message , I am getting !  Stay Present! Stay Present! Stay Present!   When asked recently what is the most important thing I have learned to date , during my personal and collective awakening process ,  the answer…Stay Present!

If asked that question a couple years ago  I might have talked about , esoteric things, how the world really works ,secrete societies, the false left right political system, the Archons, Extraterrestrial or multidimensional beings, belief systems , crop circles, and on and on , the wilderness of materialism , the world of form is an endless diversion from …presence.

Within this present moment we are all experiencing what it is to be a human being. We are all trying to figure it out , what that means , what are human beings, why are we hear , what is our purpose.

There is a seemingly infinite amount of data on the subject, going back thousands of years , and yet all of that data, all of that information , all of that knowledge is from our individual and collective experiences, which are all rooted in the past.

And yet all that we have is the present moment !  And in the present moment we let all of that baggage rob us… of …the present moment !

The hell with Lucid Dreaming , how about Lucid Living !  Here is yet another  Practical Application To Awakening , to redefining who and what you ” believe ” you are.

What we call Physical Existence is just as valid as any other construct… it is not something that we must ascend away from , and from a greater perspective we are already ascended , we are already all that is and ever will , physicality is simply another medium to explore , to give us certain types of experiences , and depending on “your” definitions, can be “experienced”  as a type of dream.

If you can begin to “define” your so called “waking life” as a type of Lucid Dream , where you can create and “conjure” up with your intent what you want to experience ,well then , from this persepctive you become “lucid in your life”.

“Knowing” that you are the center of your own universe ,”Knowing” that universe will support you in every way , synchronicity , joy and abundance are by products of this “State Of Being , and you will slowly learn to remain in that State of Being no matter “where” you happen to be exploring, whether it’s physicality, non physicality or anything in between.


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