Well I have to say…  I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up … a Parallel Reality Specialist !!!  I know what your thinking … what kind of money could they possibly make , probably not a six figure income … well to that I say …perfect !

I was kinda hoping that once I got good at it , I was going to shift to another reality anyway … one where income didn’t  “Matter”  !!!

So where did I come up with this idea , well of course … Willa !   You know the being that is from a future parallel reality , that gets channeled by another being that is from her future even further up the line , who is then channeled by a flesh and blood human  here on planet earth ” in”  our “Time”.

Wow ! …you almost have to be a Parallel Reality Specialist just to understand what the hell we are talking about !  So lets simplify it here a bit… it keeps me from getting a headache … so basically , we are all multi dimensional beings that operate in multiple dimensions in multiple timelines , under multiple incarnations … OK my heads hurting again !

We are some seriously busy people… lets face it , no wonder we are confused , we got way to much stuff going on , we need to tone it  done a bit, maybe narrow it down to just a few realities at a time… jeeeze , who made the schedule this week ?

Lately Bashar has really been sharing some unique data  with those of us who care to listen  . One of the more recent is his meeting with a new race of beings, a race that seems exotic even from Bashar’s persepctive.

These beings have been communicating with the Essassani for a while now , how long I’m not sure , time is a bit different from his persepctive , 30 of our years is like 300 of their years , and of course Bashar is from the future , so at some point who cares , and from a greater perspective we are all just talking to our selves .

These beings are known around the galaxy as the “Thook” , or at least that’s the best translation for us humans. Now here is where it gets very interesting and would make a great Science Fiction plot , can you imagine earth getting invaded but no one could remember what the invaders looked like , sounds like great fun.


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