The Apocalypse is all about lifting the veil of illusion, and Death is the biggest illusion of all. In this 3D five sense reality ,  death reigns supreme among all illusions and is the primary cause of fear and sadness on our planet .

I’m not saying death isn’t real , of course it is real in the sense that we cease to interact in what we call the physical world.  No one can argue with that statement , the question in our minds is what is going on after we die .  Some people on this  planet see death as simply the end of their existence period.

Others see it as a time when they will go to heaven , where all worries and cares will cease and they will live a carefree existence floating on the clouds with the angels.

There are probably as many perspectives and viewpoints on death as there are people on the planet , as we are all having our own unique experience of all that is.

But … what if …death, was actually the process of waking up from the dream we call life.  Remember the song we are all taught as children , row row row your boat…Life is but a dream.

Well  there are a growing number of people who have experienced consciousness outside of the physical body,  in a state of expanded awareness that is absolutely beyond the ability to describe in words.

Having experienced this myself , I will try…  Its a state where your thoughts are instantaneously turned into reality with no lag time,where you can literately experience  your  multidimensional self and all of its facets or faces. With senses that allow you to see the molecular nature of physicality while exploring the universe.

From the microcosm to the macrocosm , from the quantum to the multi -universal , we are all that is,  in all its splendor,  we are eternal,  infinite consciousness.

And upon returning to this state of consciousness we would normally call waking reality , this reality felt like the dream. This reality felt so slow and limited vibrationally speaking it actually felt like this was the dream.

And so…perhaps …life is but a dream…of sorts albeit an incredible , amazing , beautiful amusement park , scary and beautiful.  I mean… what does infinite consciousness do for entertainment …your living it.

What if after death we look back on this life as the dream slowly fading , as time goes on, and with about the same amount of importance that we would give to any vivid dream.  It was interesting , it felt real but once we were Awake to our true nature , nothing can compare and we move on we continue to grow and expand.

Perhaps the reason we mourn when our loved ones die , is not only becasue we will miss them, but perhaps its more about how we wish we were with them.  We wish to be set free from this limited vibrational state.

I believe the veil between the two realities is fading , I can feel it with each passing day as we move deeper into the Apocalypse .

Life and Death should be celebrated as a job well done , an adventure  , adversity witnessed and overcome , we are beings playing the part of  Humans , and in all plays there is always an ending.

But in reality we are neither the play or the human , we are the creators of all that is , we are the way the cosmos can know itself, we are the personification of universe and death is just transition.

Bashar says as much in the video below , see if there is any resonance for you , I found it very empowering rich in synchronicity with the over all awakening discussion we the voices are having with each other, consciousness talking to itself, remember there is no “Out There”.

There seems to be a lot of stigma among people in the awakening movement regarding the concept of channeling. I have to laugh at this because in a sense we are all channeling, are we not.

We could all describe ourselves as physical human bodies channeling infinite consciousness .

And when we share with people our thoughts our feelings our ideas , they are not coming from a brain and a mouth , they are coming from consciousness, awareness, and the body is simply a vehicle to channel this data into physicality.

Some of the most resonate , inspiring , empowering  information I have come across has come from what we commonly refer to as channeling. And it doesn’t bother me one bit , because in the end its all just information , no mater what the source.

Remember whatever information or data comes your way , just listen with your heart , and feel if it resonates , that’s all there is to it. There are no rules except those you wish to impose on yourself.

Channeled information to me is no different than information coming from any other source. Why should it be , what is there to be afraid of .  Death ?   Lack of abundance ?  We live in an infinitely abundant universe , we are eternal beings.

In the end it will simply boil down to resonance , frequency , vibration . Does the information empower you , does it inspire you , dose it expand your awareness, if so,  I say go with it regardless of where it comes from.

Worrying about where it comes from , or pre-judging it based on some belief system or that is simply setting your self up for limitation.

Channeled information is not any more or less viable than non channeled information, its simply information.

A wonderful example of this is Bashar a being channeled by Daryl Anka. I love to listen to Bashar becasue his message is empowering, his message is unifying, his message resonates with unconditional love and compassion , and he’s funny !

For all I care his voice could be coming out of a rock, I don’t care , it does not  change the message!


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