Exploring the darkness is how we can see the light.  When it comes to looking at the outer world as a reflection of our inner state of being , we have to look at the dark stuff, the negative stuff , so that we learn from it , otherwise we are not getting the full picture.

Many of today’s New Age Philosophies tend to shy away from dealing with our dark aspects as some kinda of abnormality , or dysfunction.

However keeping our head in the sand about who and what we are is probably how we got here , few people want to take responsibility and do the shadow work on themselves, you know , where you go deep within and really take a hard look at yourself and what your contributing to the collective, it’s always much easier to blame someone else for all our personal and collective woes.

While the alternative media is doing it’s job in exposing the ones who are outwardly creating much of the worlds problems , you know the politicians , the elite banking oligarchy , the heads of corporations, the alphabet agencies and so on , ultimately from a greater perspective they are us , there is no separating them from us , we are all collectively the Human Race.

Now … some will argue, and  there is evidence to suggest , that there may be elements on the planet that are not entirely human , and they may play a leading role in creating chaos for their own agenda ,perhaps even feeding on our fear , to manipulate us in ways that keep us in the dark and them in control , which is exaclty the reason we should be familiar with the darkness , not afraid of it.


It’s 2014 and The Zombies are here , run … run to the malls … I mean hills !  Billions of them around the planet , walking around in every town and city , state and country , the numbers increasing daily , their minds filled with things , things that need to be done, things that need to be said , things they wish they would have done and said, a steady stream of incessant thinking !

As you walk down the street , you can see them everyone , deep within their thoughts , cut off from the present moment , like zombies in a horror film , only instead of not being able to die, these zombies are not able to live, their conditioned minds have  built a prison around their perception , their awareness , everywhere they look there is a thought , a conceptualization , a categorization , a judgment , an opinion , their  life situations play on endlessly , like a broken record, like a bad soap opera with no ending in sight , life is a constant battle full of conflict , resolution , loss and gain , this is the state of the modern “Human” being .

On top off that we have “technology” , machines that are supposed to make our life simpler , easier , and  while walking , lost in their thoughts , the zombies are texting and talking on their smart phones to other zombies, , thumbs flying as they struggle to text , think and walk at the same time , bumping into each , like cattle headed towards the trough ,  occasionally you get a glimpse of their eyes, no sign of presence , no sign of awareness , lost in the wilderness of the mind, with frowns on their face, fear in their eyes , it’s a jungle out there and everything is a threat .


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