Everything seems to be about the “Economy” these days.  What is this thing we call the economy ?  From a greater perspective It’s simply an Idea or a construct that infinite consciousness has created for a type of experience.

Its neither good nor bad , right or wrong , it simply is. I think in its purest sense its a way for the individual to be rewarded for their efforts. It’s a way for Human “Beings” to get out of life what they put into it , in physical terms.

And to that extent it has worked in some ways for some people although its not perfect , of course it wouldn’t be, nothing is. Perfection implies a finished product , an end.

And we know such polarized concepts as beginnings and ends are illusory .  We simply are and always will be. What happens during these cyclical movements in consciousness are simply experiences meant to increase awareness of what we are, infinite beings.

But to examine The Concept of what is the Economy , lets return to the Earth for a moment , and get down to street level so to speak.

The term economy comes form the Greek word “oikonomia”  meaning ” management of a house ”  , think household finances.

Now here we are Planet Earth , circa 2011 , milky way galaxy , and it seems the Economy has been weaponized , being used as a tool for some to inflict suffering.

Is this right or wrong , from a purely human perspective, from love , from my heart ,  I would argue that its wrong. That being said however, I do have absolute trust that universe  uses everything for a purpose.

What that purpose is , we shall see, but if  I had to guess , if I had to go with my hearts instincts, I would say it’s to brings us back together.

Nothing has more  potential to bring humanity back to a state of love, than the loss or the potential loss of everything we have all worked so hard for.

Perhaps  when have lost or think we have lost everything, perhaps then,  in the absence of all the material distractions , and illusions of accomplishments ,we will remember who and what we are , and that the only true currency in the universe is unconditional love.

Below is a video from  Robert Foster , and Juice News , its an “Absolutely Brilliant” snapshot of where we are in the awakening process. Check it out and have a good laugh becasue its just an experience , there is no reason we cant laugh about it, as we recognized it for what it truly is , it is us , the collective, working out how we want it to be !



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