With all the talk of “World War Three” and of Nuclear War , it’s starting to feel like we are at a pivotal shift point in creating the next consensus reality.

Which path do you “prefer” , and how do we as individuals participate in helping to design , create , construct a new collective.

We are steering our way  , moment by moment , day by , towards the version of reality we prefer , the navigation system we use is our state of being , which is highly effected by our definitions and our beliefs , which is why it is vital to do the shadow work on yourself.

If   “You  Believe ”  that we are all creating this shared collective , or consensus reality , which “I” firmly “believe” that we are , then we are the “Conscious Creators” that are vital to paving the way in creating a new reality where war becomes obsolete , unnecessary , we no longer have anything to learn from it  , we have moved beyond it.

So each day make a “Conscious” effort to hold your state of being in a place of joy , abundance and unconditional love towards “everything ” and hold that vibration and while doing so , affirm that you “do not ” want to “exist” in a fear based paradigm ,  period !

As you hold that vibration , that state of being , you will be able to shift , frame by frame ,moment by moment  to more , resonate ,  versions of reality,  until the point , you will one day,  find yourself in a completely different version of earth,  where fear based paradigms like war and nuclear war cannot exist , they have no source energy from those in that collective , so they have no support , remember , “realities” are constructs that are created by the participating members .

We are all , to some degree  living in a self created prison , collectively and individually . The prison walls are constructed out of  ( bricks or definitions ) which we use to build  our prison  (walls or belief systems ) that en prison us.

This process is so subtle that we do not realize we are even imprisoned , and that we are both the prison guard and the warden.

So here we can see  that our “Definitions create our Beliefs ” and our beliefs to a large degree will determine our “State Of Being ”  …  and our state of being determines the type of experience we will have .

So how do we break down the prison walls ?

Well… using this analogy , since our definitions are the building blocks of beliefs , we should probably start there, it’s time to take a hard look at our definitions , meaning how we define things , for example lets take a look at the definition of  “Abundance” ,  since our level of abundance is often associated with our self worth here in physicality.

Most of us associate abundance with money ,  money is probably the most powerful symbol on planet earth for the idea of abundance , why  , becasue with money we can buy the material things that we associate with abundance , Food, Clothing , housing , Cars , entertainment , our social status and so on , without money we have no access to those things , so it’s no surprise that money is our primary symbol for abundance.


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