If the only choice you have is to vote Red or Blue , don’t bother , they are two sides of the same coin, there is “NO ” difference .  Anybody who is somewhat aware of what is going on here on planet earth has a fairly good idea that our political system is toast.

There is nothing inherently wrong with ” The System ” itself , you always here people say things like …man it’s the system ! The System is screwed up , we gotta come up with a new system !

I have to laugh when I hear this , because they are not seeing the big picture , there is nothing wrong with the system, the founding fathers were pretty sharp dudes , the problem is the system they created , which was designed to be for the people doesn’t even really exist anymore.

It’s been modified , manipulated, re created , corrupted , by those that need power because they have none , and of course we can’t blame them either ,  they are us , they are part of the human race, part of the collective consciousness , and yet every election  year people keep voting for them like it’s their favorite member of  Survival , Lost , or Dancing with the Stars , it’s  like some kind of mixture of hero worship, Idolatry and Stockholm syndrome , I can’t figure our why any one votes for these people anymore .

Are you Excited about Collapse ?
When ” I ” talk about “Collapse”  … I’m not talking about the collapse of society as a whole  , or end times , or the end of the world , that is all more “Utter Nonsense ” at least for me .

That’s not what I want … and suffering and hardship is not in resonance with my core vibration…in other words ,  it’s not the world I want to be part of Co Creating … I’m not into  the doom and gloom paradigm , that many sites , media , movies  and people seem to be in love with , there is nothing particularly productive about sitting around and talking about how bad things are gonna get, unless of course you are “trying ” to create a reality for yourself where things get really bad , then of course it’s very productive.

And that’s fine , as long as your aware that you are creating it , at least take responsibility , own it !

When I talk of Collapse I am talking about something that is very positive , and yes very exciting !

And why might you ask is this so exciting … well because Collapse and signs of Collapse let me know that I am shifting , and as I shift to “versions” of reality , versions of earth , that are more in resonance with my highest joys and excitement , what I will see reflected back to me , what I will see in the mirror , of the world “out there” ,  will become more representative of what I believe , more representative of my new found definitions.


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