Well it looks like we have shifted a bit more , ObamaScare is getting delayed , which is a good sign , lets just keep pushing it further out until it  falls off the edge of the radar and lets be done with it .

No one wants it , it’s just another form of taxation!

And of course there is obviously not enough support at the template level in this collective for this newest of artificial control constructs to maintain integrity , it’s falling apart before it even gets started , and to that I say excellent !

Remember shifting is not about the world changing , it’s about you , us , changing and then shifting to an already existing version of a parallel reality that is more in resonance with your new beliefs , your new vibration.

Well it looks like the real “Big Daddy”  of the solar system has come alive again , I was beginning to wonder if we would see any more action out of our Star performer , the highly publicized solar cycle 24 was supposed to be the show of a lifetime , however it’s turned out to be a box office dud.

Then promoters said … wait , it could be a double peak cycle , so lately we have all been waiting for that second peak to kick in , maybe this it , although every time the sunspots become earth facing they fall apart on stage , it’s as if they are suffering from performance anxiety .

So here we are nearing the end of the solar cycle 24 , you know , the one that was supposed to herald the end times, and the only thing that seems to have ended is solar activity , which is why I was pleasantly surprised this week to see the uptick in Solar flaring , we have had at least half a dozen M class flares and 2 X flares in the last 72 hours or so , and it looks like we have at least some earth directed energy coming our way from the Coronal Mass Ejections that were released.


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