Well the business of War never sleeps and the next target of acquisition for the empire is Iran.  We are all now being bombarded with the latest advertising campaign to convince us that Iran is the Enemy.

Most of us that are awake can see right through this , we know that War is Simply a business model that has been used by the ruling class for thousands of years.

There also seems to be an element of occult sacrifice as well , each soldier clad in uniform with the sacred markings , willing participants who are used as cannon fodder for the purpose of creating pain , suffering , fear.

This is the current paradigm we are in , the United States has been hijacked for this purpose, it has become the military arm of the empire,  although along the way universe in its self organizing way has separated the wheat from the chaff.

And now, there are those  of us , millions of  Americans , and millions of people around the world , who have reached a state of awareness, who are re connecting to source consciousness,  where we can see the big picture and the lies about war, we are becoming sovereign beings , that can see beyond the veil.

We “know”  Iran is not the enemy , we know that every single solitary war on this planet is merely the rich manipulating the poor.

We “know” this at the very core of our being, we no longer believe, we no longer accept this as a part of our construct , we are no longer willing or unwitting participants in this paradigm.

And this is how each of us can become “willing participants for change” , by not participating, by not believing in this construct, by actively educating ourselves as to the facts of how and why war is waged.

The more of us that reach this state of awareness, the more difficulty the “War Construct” will have in finding support at the creation level, where all “things” start.

Everything “Out There ” in the world , in physicality , are simply  manifestations of our beliefs, our definitions of things. Once our support is removed from this construct, it “Will ” perish due to lack of source energy.

Or another way to describe it is , once you as an individual , as a fractal of all that is, no longer support or believe in the concept or construct of World War 3 and the death of millions , then you will no longer resonate with that concept vibrationally.

If you are no longer in vibrational alignment with it , then you cannot experience it , you will experience another time line, another version of earth more in alignment with your frequency, your vibration.

Those that want war and destruction , will have it , the universe is infinite , all things are allowed expression. This is the esoteric knowledge , the way to think , not what to think.

As I watch the headlines, the Fear Mongering, the manipulation, the saber rattling , the war drums beating, I smile and I say to universe, and my higher self ,     “I DO NOT WANT THIS”   !!!  “I AM NOT A WILLING PARTICIPANT'”  !!!  “THIS IS “NOT” MY HIGHEST JOY” !!!  “I SEE THE LIE” !!!

We are in the age of transparency, lifting of the veil , the quickening, this is the Apocalypse, and its a good thing !!!

Iran is Not The Enemy

Iran Is Not Our Enemy from Irani Friend on Vimeo.

I find it ironic that one of the few places Americans can get actual news is from Russian Television.

This is the reality we are now in , the veil is being lifted , and Russia Today is part of the process.

The shooting of a protestor in the face with a rubber bullet and then being bombed with flash grenades and tear gas can all be seen on Russia Today because of footage begin taken from cell phones and camcorders.

Russia  Today  will actually air these videos unedited , foul  language and all . The person on the street now has the ability to capture events and upload them anonymously to you tube for all the world to see with no editing . This is true transparency.

Of course the powers that be are not to happy and are constantly demanding You Tube to remove the videos. Although we  know  that corporate giant Google owns You Tube , which raises suspicions as to what the larger physiological operation is here.

My first thoughts are that it simply keeps the alternative media occupied and focused on the fighting in the street while the powers that be continue doing whatever they want.

Don’t get me wrong I love Google and You tube, I think it is amazing technology that has the power to teach , as well as the power to distract.

This is perhaps another excellent example of how universe uses everything. There is no black and white , only grey. As we move further into unity consciousness, or the integration of all our experiences into a universal sate of awareness, the polarity starts to fade.

Which is good , the current paradigms cannot survive without polarity, they need need it to remain in control.

Transparency is the antidote to corruption. Thank you Russia Today for being the first somewhat  Main Stream news agency to just show what is happening.

Below is an amateur video that was aired on Russia Today unedited “Revealing” what was actually happening. You wont see this on CNN, Fox or MSN.


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